Jun 3, 2019
Can an act of defiance help to cultivate courage? My guest thinks so. An attorney by trade, Vince Auricchio is used to having the odds stacked against him, but this was personal. His daughter was about to undergo brain surgery and the reality of losing her was more than his heart could bare. But in a moment of defiance, Vince, a Christ follower, found the courage to win the fight of his life by relying on his faith and surrendering to the outcome.
In this heart-felt episode, Vince gives us a behind the scenes look at what it’s like to balance being an attorney and taking care of his family emotionally, through his personal relationship with Christ. With unwavering integrity, both personally and professionally, his faith has made him a better man, husband, dad and friend, and given him an incredible capacity for listening and accepting others who have different points of view.
© 2019 Mo Vear
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