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Bite of Courage

Sep 30, 2019

Are you free, really?

My guest, 41 year old Dawan Warren, has had a lot of time to think about this question. He's spent half of his life in prison. Indicted at the age of 18 for a series of robberies, Dawan was facing 40 years. Charged with 16 years at the age of 20, he had served 8 by the time he was released. 11 months later, he proceeded to commit bank robbery for which he was given a 34 year sentence. Dawan had no way of knowing that he'd be released twenty years early for good behavior, yet he found the courage to change his thoughts and behaviors and turn his life around.

"A person can be free and still be incarcerated in their mind; a person can be incarcerated and still be free in their mind, too," he says. “I was looking for peace. That's what freedom is--peace. It's not about the physical world; it's about what's going on inside of you. Clean yourself up on the inside, and it does't matter what your circumstances are. You'll have joy.”

© 2019 Mo Vear



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