Oct 21, 2019
Can a positive attitude help us heal? My guest today is Laura Alberts. While Laura is a breast cancer survivor, she isn't defined by it. In fact, after undergoing chemo and radiation treatments, Laura claimed to have her "breast year ever" in real estate.
One of Coldwell Banker's top realtors in Orland Park, Illinois, Laura is also a musician, dancer, and vocalist and the winner of both Senior American Idol and Seniors Dancing with Seniors Dance Competition. "Things happen in life, but I've developed a skill set to deal with them. I have faith. I have courage. I have my music, and I have a sense of humor so I forge ahead and enjoy each day as it appears," she says.
"Like the Cowardly Lion in the The Wizard of Oz, we all have the courage inside of us to forge ahead, and if we do things that bring us joy, we don't have time to think about fear. That's the key.”
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